quarta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2008

new schedulle

5h45 - the day starts with a call from Fish...
9h00 - wake up, brush teeth and have breakfast
9h45/11h00 - time to surf on the internet, do laundry, do stuff around the house
11h00 - shower
11h45 - start cooking lunch and dinner
12h00/12h30 - eat lunch
12h30/13h30 - time to do stuff outside or relax in the house
13h30 - leave the house to go to work
13h36 - take bus 24 to metro sherbrooke, take the subway, change trains at berri-uquam
14h26 - take bus 106 at metro angrignon
14h50 - arrive at work
17h30 - first 15-minute break
20h00 - dinner breake, 30 minutes
22h00 - second 15-minute breake
23h30 - leave work and run to the bus stop
23h39 - take bus 106 to metro angrignon
00h20 - arrive at metro frontenac (miss the bus 94 for only one minute)
00h22 - take the bus 85 and drop off 3 blocks away from home
00h33 - arrive ate home exausted! sleep before one o'clock, cause the day starts again...

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

oi Dani,

que bom q vc tá trabalhando de novo!

mas ó, só por precaução, eu acho q vc deveria tirar os nºs dos onibus q vc pega e os nomes das estações do metro desse post...just in case... paranóia, paranóia!!!!!